Categories: 2017

Russian Ambassador participated in festive events dedicated to Oshakan Battle victory`s 190th anniversary

ARMINFO News Agency, Armenia
August 17, 2017 Thursday

Russian Ambassador participated in festive events dedicated to Oshakan
Battle victory`s 190th anniversary

Yerevan August 17

Marianna Mkrtchyan. Russian Ambassador to Armenia Ivan Volynkin took
part in festive events dedicated to the 190th anniversary of victory
in the Oshakan battle.

"Remembering those who died in the unequal battle, today we are
following the road that General Krasovsky went to Echmiadzin, where so
many undefeated Russians and Armenians lay down. We are going to solve
the global problems of the 21st century, including the fight against
international terrorism, we are going to prevent a new split of the
world," Volynkin said during his welcome speech.

The event was attended by the governor of Armavir region, the mayor of
the city of Echmiadzin, the first deputy minister of defense of
Armenia, the deputy minister of culture, veterans, servicemen of the
102nd Russian MB and the Border Guard of the Russian FSB in Armenia,
compatriots, residents of the region.

The participants of the event laid wreaths and flowers to the Monument
to the Heroes of Oshakan, the representatives of the clergy who
attended the funeral service for the fallen soldiers by the rite of
the Armenian Apostolic and Russian Orthodox Churches.

The Oshakan battle, also known as the Ashtarak battle, was a battle
that took place on August 17 (29), 1827, during the Russo-Persian war
of 1826-1828 between the army of the heir of the Persian throne, Abbas
Mirza, and the Russian detachment of Lieutenant-General Afanasy
Krasovsky. At the beginning of August 1827 the Persian army invaded
Eastern Armenia and, uniting with the troops of the Erivan serdar
Hussein Khan Qajar, besieged the Etchmiadzin Monastery. Located 37 km
from Echmiadzin, the Russian army detachment of General Krasovsky,
along with the Armenian and Georgian volunteers who joined him, came
to the aid of the besieged monastery and, despite the tenfold
numerical superiority of the Persian army, managed to break through
the enemy cordon, after which the same night the siege was withdrawn.
During the battle, the Russian detachment suffered heavy losses. This
was the greatest loss of the Russian army for all the wars with

In 1833-1834, on the initiative of Catholicos Yeprem I Zoragekhtsi and
Archbishop Nerses Ashtaraketsi, a commemorative obelisk was erected on
the means of the monastery and local residents in honor of the battle.
On April 19, 2011, the solemn opening of the Oshakan Memorial Complex
took place "to the Russian soldiers-saviors of the Mother See of
Etchmiadzin, who died in the Oshakan battle of 1827".

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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