Categories: 2017

"One free world international" in Artsakh to carry out a fact-finding mission on human rights violations during the April war by Azerbaijani side

ArmenPress, Armenia
Aug 29 2017

"One free world international" in Artsakh to carry out a fact-finding
mission on human rights violations during the April war by Azerbaijani

Yerevan August 29

Marianna Mkrtchyan. Armenian Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian
received a delegation led by the head of One free world international
organization Rev. Majed El Shafie.

According to Armenian MFA press service, Nalbandian stressed the
importance of periodic visits of Canadian parliamentarians and their
contribution in the development of two-sided relations.

Canadian parliamentarians told about the work of One free world
international organization in human rights protection sphere, as well
as about the aims of visits to Armenia and Artsakh, which consists of
learning and gathering the facts about the grossest violations of
human rights during previous April's aggression of Azerbaijan against
the NKR, as well as war crimes. According to them, according to the
results a report will be drawn up

Nalbandian presented efforts of Armenia and OSCE MG co-chairs on
Karabakh conflict settlement, referred to the military crimes
committed by Azerbaijani Armed Forces during the April aggression.

One free international organization helped and helps refugees, people
who are in slavery during protracted conflicts in Iraq Kurdistan of
Syria renders assistance to people whose civil rights have been

Mary Lazarian:
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