Categories: 2017

Mother Theater to invite directors from abroad (video)

Major changes are expected in the Mother Theater. The administration even plans to invite directors from abroad and to stage The Honorable Beggars, a satirical novel by Hakob Paronyan and ” A Bride from the North,” a musical comedy directed by Nerses Hovhannisyan.

“It’s not a place for only one to perform,” says artistic director Armen Elbakyan. “The audience must feel colorfulness of our theater.”

Today, Minister of Culture Armen Amiryan and Armen Elbakyan introduced the newly appointed director of Sundukyan State Academic Theatre, Vardan Mkrtchyan.

“I can say that I was born in Hamazgayin [Theater]. I worked there for at least 18 years and I was its director for 7-8 years. I can say as an artist that I have not left the theater and if they invite me to the theater as an actor, I shall accept the invitation with great pleasure, but my future activity is alreay connected with the Mother Theater,” said Vardan Mkrtchyan.

Armen Elbakyan said that relations between the artistic director and director were very formal and regulated by law. Today, they maintain more cordial relations and he is glad to see cooperation. “If we add and divide our ages, the result will be a healthy man”.

Both the artistic director and the director have a clear idea of ​​what an academic theater should be like. This is the Mother Theater not only for Armenians, but also for the Diaspora, and we should show great responsibility. It will not be easy. Those who pass through every ordeal, will stay with us, the rest will be ousted.

“Wonderful people live in this theater, there is a serious potential, but there is also an urgent need for changes. The rhythm of life has accelerated today and we should keep up with the times. I am not so naïve as to think that all problems will be solved in a matter of seconds, “said the newly appointed director. “But I am sure I shall be able to realize plans that in the near future, otherwise I shall quit the post gracefully.”

Jane Topchian:
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