Categories: 2017

Former employees of Nairit again demand rerun of the plant (video)

Former employees of “Nairit” plant started termless sit-down strike outside the Government building. Their demand remains unchanged- rerun of the plant. “There are investors, who want to do audit, sign a memorandum, but the Government does no action,” Anahit Manukyan, former employee of “Nairit”, chemist, engineer told “A1+”.

The fire in “Nairit” plant at the beginning of the week is commented in different ways by the former employees. “Constant evaporation can lead to it and the substance could burn from a simple spark. I don’t think that it was done intentionally,” says Anahit Manukyan.

“I think that here is something intentional; first they want to solve that issue at once showing “Nairit”’s inability to operate without understanding that chemical industry is a constant process and the whole staff is alert as a soldier in the posts. Those containers were under direct sunrays for a long time and nothing happened,” noted former employee of “Nairit” Tamara Mirazizyan.

If “Nairit” plant continues to be neglected, former employees don’t rule out even more dangerous situations, especially when, according to their details, starting from 2009 the plant has been plundered periodically.

While the former employees of “Nairit” were holding a protest action, the Minister of Emergency Situations went out of the Government building. According to the former employees, after numerous dismissals the MES is responsible for the security of “Nairit”.

Davit Tonoyan didn’t rule out that the human factor may have been the reason for the fire in “Nairit”. So it is possible that the incident on August 28 may be the result of negligence.

Garnik Zakarian:
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