Vice Speaker Sharmazanov to voice about Azerbaijan’s anti-Armenian policy at CSTO Parliamentary Assembly

 Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

Vice Speaker Sharmazanov to voice about Azerbaijan's anti-Armenian
policy at CSTO Parliamentary Assembly

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 16, ARMENPRESS. Alexander Lapshin recorded what has
been stated by the Armenian side for years, that is Azerbaijan is an
anti-democratic, racist state, Eduard Sharmazanov – Vice Speaker of
Armenia’s Parliament, told Armenpress commenting on Russian-Israeli
blogger Alexander Lapshin’s first note posted in the social network
after his release from the Azerbaijani prison.

“Azerbaijan carries out not only an anti-Armenian policy, but also
abnormal policy in general. What Lapshin has said should be considered
as a certain message for the international community: plus also the
facts that the foreign national has not only been arrested, but he
also was beaten, suffered tortures and attempt was made to present all
of these as a suicide attempt. This proves that Azerbaijan state is
completely based on the ideology of lie and frauds”, Sharmazanov said.

He compared Azerbaijan’s current policy with the policy of Young
Turks, stating that the people of Artsakh should fight for their
self-defense since nothing has changed in Azerbaijan’s calculations.

“This shows that there is a state in the 21st century which is a
member of the Council of Europe, however, its main ideology is racism
and Armenophobia”, he said.

Sharmazanov said like previously, now as well the Armenian delegations
in various structures will voice about Azerbaijan’s such policy.

“The same we are going to do during the upcoming CSTO Parliamentary
Assembly on October 12-14”, he said.