Categories: 2017

Lapshin pities Azerbaijani high ranking law enforcement officers who appeared in stupid situation due to Azerbaijani authorities

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

Lapshin pities Azerbaijani high ranking law enforcement officers who
appeared in stupid situation due to Azerbaijani authorities

YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 21, ARMENPRESS. Alexander Lapshin, who was arrested
in Azerbaijan, has told how the Azerbaijani law enforcement officers
interrogated him and appeared in a stupid situation, ARMENPRESS
reports Lapshin wrote about this in his personal blog.

“The best investigators of Azerbaijan were involved in my case –
Colonel Kamal Talibov (the son of the former president of Azerbaijan’s
supreme court), Colonel Vugar Nasibov, chief of investigation
department, General Illar Ahmedov and Deputy Prosecutor General Rustam
Usubov. They are the best investigators in this oil-rich country. They
spoke good Russian and made unnecessary and funny quotes from the
films “Kidnapping,Caucasian Style” or “Mimino” and did everything to
persuade me that I can be saved only if I confess that I work for the
special services of Armenia and Russia. It should be noted the
emphasized hostility towards the Russian Federation during the
investigative activities. I really could never imagine that they could
bring forward such ridiculous and unfounded accusations against the
Russian Federation”, the blogger wrote.

Lapshin stressed that the Azerbaijani authorities put those high
ranking and professional policemen in a stupid situation by forcing
them to do ridiculous and useless job.

“They asked me the same question 10 times. The problem is that the
Azerbaijani authorities put those people in a stupid situation. When
high ranking policeman Colonel Talibov came to the penitentiary
institution every day like a child and asked the same question about
my “working” for the Armenian special services we just pitied him. He
probably had understood that I have nothing to do with any special
service, but it was demanded from higher echelons to launch a
demonstrative process and he did his job”, Lapshin wrote.

Greg Madatian:
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