Categories: 2017

Music: Hollywood star John Malkovich send video message ahead of the visit to Armenia

Panorama, Armenia
Sept 30 2017
Culture 16:46 30/09/2017

An American actor, director, and producer John Malkovich will visit Armenia to attend the opening ceremony of the 5th Khachaturian International festival which kicks off on October 11 at Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall.

Ahead of his visit to Armenia the renowned Hollywood star has released a video message to the Armenian audience. ‘I look to see you soon in yerevan’, the Facebook account of the festival reported 

To remind, John Malkovich will perform with the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia, headed by conductor Sergey Smbatyan. Accompanied by the orchestra John Malkovich will perform as a narrator. The audience will suggested to taste the fantastic fusion of literature and music: “Report on the Blind” chapter from Ernesto Sabato’s “On Heroes and Tombs” novel jointly performed with the Concerto for Piano and Orchestra by Alfred Schnittke, one of the most eminent musical figures of the second half of the XX century.

The 5th Khachaturian International Festival is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of Hovhannes Aivazovsky.

The festival is held under the high patronage of the President of RA Serzh Sargsyan. It is implemented thanks to the joint efforts of the State Youth Orchestra of Armenia (General Partner of the Orchestra – VivaCell-MTS), with the support of the Ministry of Culture of RA and the “Khachaturian” Foundation.

Ani Kharatian:
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