‘Only gravediggers and dead are left here… what are we rejecting?

Aravot, Armenia
Oct 1 2017

Zaruhi Postanjyan, leader of the “Yerkir Tsirani” party, is in Dilijan. She walks around and calls people for protesting.

She asked Dilijan taxi drivers, whether the rate of migration is high. The drivers replied: “Just sit here for a couple of hours, and you will see how many buses are departing. In fact, only gravediggers and dead are left here”.

Postanjyan said that they had a special mission, they were walking around towns and villages, urging the residents to start rebelling on the same day at the same time to deny these illegalities and to establish new regime: “If we do not rebel, we will lose our homeland”.

Postanjyan said that when communicating with people she understood that there were two poles: one totally has no belief, says that nothing can be done, the other waits for a spark: “Now let’s see how we can convey this spark, so that everyone can stand up and reject these illegal authorities”. One of the Dilijan residents asked, “what are you rejecting? we have no weapons, we have nothing, what can we do?”.

Postanjyan answered, “We do not need weapons, we exceed in number. Their armed 22 thousand policemen will be enough only for Baghramyan 26, if all the towns and villages join us. The “president” and the forces serving and securing him will not be able to exert pressure on everyone”. The resident responded, “I don’t believe anymore. I have two daughters, they have left with my grandchildren, only me and my wife remained here. We have too little money, it’s not enough to pay for the utilities”.

Postanjyan said, “Well, follow the political processes. You don’t need to come to Yerevan. We are all going to block the main streets on the same day at the same time. They are waiting for us to go to Yerevan, so they can put us into a trap, that is why we urge everyone to rebel at the same time. After that we should invite a large pan-Armenian global assembly, where delegates should nominate an interim government from our nation’s cream. After that elections should be held under equal conditions”.

One of the Dilijan residents told in an offended voice that they were giving out barbecues during the adoption of independence, and he heard how someone said, “put Vano Siradeghyan’s share away”, that is initially, there have been chosen ones and everything was unfair. Postanjyan promised to restore justice.