Artsakh President’s address on Teachers’ Day

Public Radio of Armenia
Oct 5 2017
14:03, 05 Oct 2017

On 5 October Artsakh Republic President Bako Sahakyan sent a congratulatory address in connection with the Teachers’ Day.

The address runs as follows:

“Dear teachers,

On behalf of the Artsakh Republic authorities and myself personally I extend my cordial congratulations on your professional holiday – the Day of Teachers.

Along with congratulations I express my deep gratitude for your extremely responsible and hard work, mission that has always been highly appreciated by our people. A teacher has had a peculiar place in our society for centuries, enjoying the love and respect of the surrounding.

Today too you have a substantial contribution to the development of our country educating a patriotic generation that keeps abreast with the times and is armed with extensive knowledge, young people who are worthy descendants of their fathers and grandfathers, successors of their sacred work, creators of our future day.

Dear friends,

Your work, problems existing in the field have always been in the spotlight of the authorities. Various programs aimed at development of education and science, improvement of your working and social conditions are being implemented in our country. These activities will be of a continuous nature.

 I once again congratulate all the teachers of Artsakh on this memorable holiday and wish peace, robust health, success and all the best.”