If you assume that our national tradition is beating a woman or a child, I cannot agree with that – Davit Harutyunyan

Soon, the draft law “On Prevention of Domestic Violence and Victims of Domestic Violence” will appear on the government agenda. Davit Harutyunyan states, “The road that we are following is extremely important. 120 countries have already passed that path. Thus, we are going to organize a public discussion about the above stated in Matenadaran on Monday.”

To those who are against the law and consider that it contradicts our national mentality, Davit Harutyunyan says, “If you think that beating a woman or a child is a national tradition, let me disagree with you and say that it is a deviation from national traditions.”

On average, about 600 cases of domestic violence are registered in Armenia every year. Davit Harutyunyan added that the draft law was notput into circulation as it was being revised.