Categories: 2017

Armenian businessman and benefactor Levon Hayrapetyan dies in Russia

Panorama, Armenia
Oct 18 2017

Prominent Armenian benefactor, businessman Levon Hayrapetyan died aged 68 in Russia, local media sources reported, citing his relatives. According to the reports, Hayrapetyan’s last wish was to bury him next to relatives. 

Levon Hayrapetyan, who is known for number of charity programs realized in Artsakh, was found guilty for a controversial embezzlement of $700,000 by Zamoskvoretsky District Court verdict issued on April 14, 2016. Hayrapetyan had been charged with embezzling $700,000 from Bashkistan’s senator Igor Izmestyev who is currently serving a life term for terrorism. The businessman repeatedly pleaded not guilty. According to his lawyer, the case had been framed up.

While being under detention “Freedom to Levon Hayrapetyan” civil initiative numerously voiced the entrepreneur’s deteriorating health condition, expressing serious concern over threats to his life.  In one of episodes, he lost consciousness in a Moscow prison and was taken to the medical division.

Political fractions of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic parliaments later issued a statement urging Russian law enforcement bodies to release Levon Hayrapetyan saying his detention contradicts all humanitarian principles.
Hayrapetyan was first arrested in 2014, but in about a year his lawyers managed to get him placed under house arrest pending the investigation and trial.

Boris Nahapetian:
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