Azerbaijani press: Novruz Mammadov: What do co-chairs think about Armenian president who promised and then took different step?!

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After the last meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyanvoiced ideas that were incompatible with the spirit of the meeting, Novruz Mammadov, assistant to Azerbaijan’s president for foreign policy issues, head of department, said on Monday, APAreported. 


According to Mammadov, the head of state is a representative of a nation.


"That people somehow chose this person, believing that he is the most dignified person who would live up to his promise and carry the country forward,” he said.


The presidential assistant noted that the last meeting of the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents was also joined by the foreign ministers of the two countries, as well as the tree OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs, and the representatives of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office.


“But what happened in the last meeting of the presidents of Azerbaijan and Armenia? For a long time, negotiations between the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents on the settlement of the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict were not conducted, the Armenian side always hindered it,” he said. 


“It was stated at the last meeting that a statement consisting of 3 or 4 items of this long-delayed meeting be brought to the attention of the international community. All agreed,” Mamamdov said. “If the Armenian president did not agree with the statement, he could have said so during the meeting. He should've said that following the meeting, he would be speaking anything that comes to his mind.”


"Sargsyan promised in front of the co-chairs that he agrees to bring the concrete ideas to the world community after the meeting, but after the meeting, he acts hypocritically and speaks otherwise," added the top official.


The Azerbaijani president, other officials responded to the Armenian president, noted Mammadov.


“In this case, how will the Armenian people trust him? How will he ensure the development and welfare of his people? What do the co-chairs think about the president who promises and then takes a different step?! If you have a status as head of state, you can't be hypocritical and lie,” he added.


The Armenian people are in a tough situation due to such leaders, said Mammadov.


“Armenians are leaving their country. Only 2.5 million people live in Armenia today. According to forecasts, if this situation continues, the population will not exceed 2.5 million people in 20 years,” he said.


Mammadov noted that Azerbaijan’s population has increased by three million people since the country gained its independence.

“This shows the difference between the two countries and is an indicator of the development of Azerbaijan. Azerbaijan and its capital are one of the most beautiful countries and capitals of the world,” he added.