David Harutyunyan to disappoint Eduard SHarmazanov (video)

Justice Minister David Harutyunyan should disappoint the Republicans, the bill on Domestic Violence will be passed without significant changes, and the social importance is evident. “Very often violence is applied because the victim is defenseless, he does not have any means, he does not have any place to go. The provisions of the law will give opportunity of, even though not big, state assistance.”

David Harutyunyan is glad that there is no unanimous opinion in the Republican Party, but he does not remember the threat of voting against the law. “The considerable part of the faction had concerns, which should be dissolved. The fact that they cannot be left out of the law is evident, because the law would be meaningless if it did not contain the main type of violence.”

David Harutyunyan knows that his party is a traditional family, but domestic violence indicators are worrying.

Eduard Sharmazanov’s opinion and concerns here