Categories: 2017

Import of large amounts of heroin in Meghri customs checkpoint prevented (video)

Measures taken jointly by the State Revenue Committee’s Pre-Release Control and Anti-Smuggling departments prevented the import of about 105 kilos of heroin to the country, at Meghri customs point. X-ray examination was carried out to DAF refrigerated truck owned by Turkish citizen Ferdin Ozdemir, who arrived in Armenia from Iran by car, belonging to Omertransport LLC. The truck was subsequently accompanied by customs control to Yerevan where a detailed examination of the vehicle was carried out.

In the cargo chamber, 105 kg of heroin-type narcotic substance were found from the preliminary prepared cache. The prepared materials were transferred to the NSS Investigation Service to carry out the proceedings, Information and Public Relations Department of the RA Revenue State Committee reports.

Hovsep Chakrian:
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