Azerbaijani Press: President Aliyev: Azerbaijan’s principled position on Karabakh issue won’t change

Trend, Azerbaijan
Nov 14 2017
18:34 (UTC+04:00)

Details added (first version posted on 18:05)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Nov. 14


There will be no change in Azerbaijan’s principled position on the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, said Azerbaijan’s President Ilham Aliyev addressing a ceremony marking the 25th anniversary of creation of the New Azerbaijan Party at the Heydar Aliyev Center Nov. 14.

"The Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict should be resolved within the territorial integrity of our country. There is no other way. We can never allow a second Armenian state to be established in our historical lands. The norms of international law should be fully applied. The UN Security Council resolutions should be fully implemented. Sovereignty and territorial integrity of Azerbaijan should be restored,” noted President Aliyev.

“This is a principled position. This position is based on history and international law, because Nagorno-Karabakh is our historical, ancestral land, because the whole world, all the countries recognize and respect the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan."

“Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan. Another event confirming this took place this year. The illegal referendum held again in Nagorno-Karabakh due to Armenia’s recklessness was not recognized by the entire world community. Neighboring countries, co-chairing countries of the Minsk Group, the European Union and other organizations did not recognize the results of the referendum. By doing so, they once again confirmed that Nagorno-Karabakh is an integral part of Azerbaijan,” said the head of state.

Ilham Aliyev added that consistent efforts on recognition of the Khojaly genocide will further continue.

Saying that five years ago, three countries officially recognized the Khojaly genocide, the head of state noted that in only five years more than 10 countries have recognized the genocide.

"A consistent policy will be pursued in this direction,” added the president. “Simultaneously, we will increase our military power. According to international ratings, today the Azerbaijani Army is among the most powerful armies in the world.”

The Azerbaijani Army will be provided with necessary funds and equipment, said the head of state.

“There will be no limitations. Our military power plays and will play its role in the liberation of our lands and the restoration of our territorial integrity,” said Ilham Aliyev.

The president noted that the April battles, the liberation of a part of Azerbaijani lands, particularly, a part of Aghdara, Fuzuli and Jabrayil districts, showed the power of Azerbaijani army to the whole world.

“Armenia is still trying to present the distorted version of the April battles to the world community, but it is a very ridiculous attempt. It is enough to say that today we are sitting in trenches dug then by Armenians in the occupied lands and control a large area from those trenches. The April battles are our glorious victory and they showed the power of the Azerbaijani nation and soldiers. It showed that the Azerbaijani state and people will never reconcile with the occupation and will restore their territorial integrity at any cost,” added President Aliyev.