Categories: 2017

Agreement with EU creates firm grounds for political dialogue and economic cooperation – FM Nalbandian


The Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement opens a new page in the history of Armenia-EU bilateral relations, Foreign Minister of Armenia Edward Nalbandian said in Brussels following the signing of the agreement. “The signing of the Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement between Armenia and the European Union became one of the key achievements of this summit. This comprehensive and ambitious agreement is our joint achievement, which opens a new chapter in Armenia-EU relations. It’s a firm legal ground for the strengthening of political dialogue, expansion of economic and sectoral cooperation, creation of new opportunities for trade and investments, expansion of mobility for the benefit of our citizens”,  Nalbandian said.

According to FM Nalbandian, the agreement will be a new drive for the reforms being carried out in Armenia in the direction of strengthening of the democratic institutions, human rights and rule of law.

“It’s important that the agreement reaffirms the commitment of the EU to support the efforts and the approaches of the OSCE Minsk Group Co-chairs aimed at settling Nagorno Karabakh conflict based on the norms and principles of the international law, particularly non use or threat to use force, equality of nations, right to self determination and territorial integrity.

Armenia is ready to continue developing and strengthening comprehensive cooperation with the EU in all the spheres of bilateral interest based on this agreement. We are convinced that our achievements of the previous years are a firm ground to continue and further expand our partnership and undoubtedly, this new agreement will bring our relations to a new qualitative level”, the Armenian FM said.

Ani Kharatian:
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