Music: Verdi’s Requiem to commemorate Genocide victims

Panorama, Armenia
Dec 7 2017
Culture 13:39 07/12/2017 Armenia

The Armenian State Philharmonic Orchestra and the Ministry of Culture are offering a performance of Giuseppe Verdi's Requiem by a unique group of musicians.

The concert, dedicated to the International Day of Commemoration of the Victims of the Crime of Genocide and to the memory of the Spitak earthquake victims, is scheduled at Aram Khachaturian Concert Hall at 7:00pm 9 December, the Philharmonic Orchestra said.

The event has brought together such brilliant musicians as soloists Erika Grimaldi, soprano (Italy), Olesya Petrova, mezzo soprano (Russia), Georgy Vasiliev, tenor (Russia) and Roberto Scandiuzzi, bass (Italy).

The Armenian National Academic Choir (artistic director and principal Conductor Hovhannes Tchekidjian) will join the performance.

The concert will be conducted by Eduard Topchjan.