Categories: 2017

Garo Paylan calls Turkey’s 2018 budget unfair and unconscionable


Ethnic Armenian lawmaker of the Turkish Parliament Garo Paylan delivered remarks during the discussion of Turkey’s budget, calling it the most unconscionable and unfair budget,  reports the official site of the Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP).

“The budget of any state is the conscience of that country. Our budget is the most unconscionable and unfair in terms of revenues and expenditures. The 2018 budget makes allocations to the war, rather than to the social policy. Now we face the most unfair budget of the era of the Justice and Development Party”, he said.

He highlighted the fact that the budget of the power structures increased by 40-50%, whereas the budget of ministries of education, family increased just by 8-9%. “It turns out that under the new budget there will be fewer hospitals, schools and more weapons”, he said.

Garo Paylan stated that the parliament’s main responsibility is to prevent the transformation of the country into a gang. “This should be done by democratic policy, rule of law, freedom of speech, rather than by purchasing S-400 missile systems”, Garo Paylan said.

Bedik Zaminian:
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