Book: Azerbaijan: Outside Civilization – Book about Armenian monuments’ destruction with state-run plan, Armenia
Dec 29 2017
Azerbaijan: Outside Civilization – Book about Armenian monuments’ destruction with state-run plan Azerbaijan: Outside Civilization – Book about Armenian monuments’ destruction with state-run plan

16:26, 29.12.2017

YEREVAN. – In early 2017, the Armenian Architecture Research Foundation published the book, entitled Azerbaijan: Outside Civilization, about the fate of the Armenian historical and cultural monuments that are located in today’s Azerbaijan.

The head of this foundation, monument specialist Samvel Karapetyan, informed about the aforesaid at a year-end press conference on Friday.

In his words, the title of this book already bespeaks its content. As per Karapetyan, this work presents how Armenian monuments in Azerbaijan have been destroyed over the past two decades by the Azerbaijani armed forces and respective state-run plan.

“All this occurred with the same scenario as in Turkey in the 1940s,” he added.

Also, this book includes the Russian church, in Golitsyno village of Azerbaijan’s Shamkir District, which is destroyed, too. 

The monument specialist added that the book was published in three languages in order to unmask Azerbaijan, which attempts to present itself to the world as a civilized country.

“This truly is a volume that tears off Azerbaijan’s mask, which [the book] shows what an anti-cultural country Azerbaijan is, and what extremist, vandalistic attitude it has, especially towards Armenian culture,” noted Samvel Karapetyan.