Categories: 2018

Calendar of Events – 01/25/2018

                        GROONG's Calendar of events
                        (All times local to events)

What:           ARS Norian Youth Connect Program
When:           Mar 3 2018 9am
Where:          Columbia University, NY
Misc:           The program is sponsored by the Armenian Relief Society of
                Eastern USA and the Columbia University Armenian Society,
                directed by, Dr. Khatchig Mouradian.
                The program is available to any Armenian college student
                between the ages of 18 and 27 years old. Details to follow.
Online Contact: arseastus@gmail.com


Armenian News's calendar of events is collected and updated mostly from
announcements posted on this list, and submissions to groong@usc.edu.

To submit, send to Armenian News@usc.edu, and please note the following
important points:

a) Armenian News's administrators have final say on what may be included in
        Armenian News's calendar of events.
b) Posting time will is on Thursdays, 06:00 US Pacific time, to squeeze in
        a final reminder before weekend activities kick in.
c) Calendar items are short, functional, and edited to fit a template.
d) There is no guarantee or promise that an item will be published on time.
e) Calendar information is believed to be from reliable sources. However,
        no responsibility by the List's Administation or by USC is assumed
        for inaccuracies and there is no guarantee that the information is
f) No commercial events will be accepted.
        (Dinners, dances, forget it. This is not an ad-space.)
g) Armenian News is a non-commercial, non-partisan, pan-Armenian outlet.

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Raffi Khondkarian: