Newspaper: Armenia tycoons troubled by ruling party presidential candidate nominee, Armenia
Jan 24 2018
Newspaper: Armenia tycoons troubled by ruling party presidential candidate nominee Newspaper: Armenia tycoons troubled by ruling party presidential candidate nominee

11:27, 24.01.2018

YEREVAN. – The tycoons of Armenia are worried that a new tycoon competitor, ambassador to UK Armen Sarkissian—whom the ruling party has nominated as its presidential candidate—will appear in the country’s business life, according to Zhamanak (Time) newspaper.

“They are convinced that President [Serzh] Sargsyan will attempt to get business domains for himself, and that is possible solely at the expense of others.

“In the near future, the oligarchy [of Armenia] could put information discrediting Armen Sarkissian into circulation, and which will force him to give up his presidential ambitions.

“And such [information], according to our source, exists,” wrote Zhamanak.