Azerbaijani authorities entered themselves into deadlock – Vice Speaker Sharmazanov

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

Azerbaijani authorities entered themselves into deadlock – Vice
Speaker Sharmazanov

YEREVAN, JANURY 25, ARMENPRESS. Azerbaijan, after almost every serious
international event, responds by provocation. This happened recently
after the meeting of the Armenian foreign minister Edward Nalbandian
and Azerbaijani foreign minister Elmar Mammadyarov, as well as after
the Geneva meeting (October 16, 2017), this also happened now, Eduard
Sharmazanov – Vice Speaker of the Armenian Parliament, told a press
conference in Armenpress.

“By this step Azerbaijan shows that it is not ready for constructive
talks, that their leaders say something around the negotiation table,
but in fact they became the victims of their own maximalist policy.
They entered themselves into a deadlock”, the Vice Speaker said.

While delivering remarks at PACE, the Armenian President said the
international community should help the Azerbaijani authorities to get
out of the maximalist situation. According to Sharmazanov, the
international community should help, but there is one truth – it’s
impossible to help someone who doesn’t want it.

“Here the problem is in the brains of the Azerbaijani leadership. They
became the victims of Armenophobic, racist policy. I don’t want to
inflame the passions, but I will say a very clear thing. Today if you
open the Azerbaijani textbooks, official websites and look at the
speeches of the Hitler leaders during 30s, you will see that Goebbels,
Hitler were replaced by Azerbaijani officials. Goebbels and Hitler
were just addressing their calls against the Jews, today the
Azerbaijani leadership makes such racist statements against
Armenians”, Eduard Sharmazanov said.

Sharmazanov said the vivid evidence of this is the elimination of tens
of thousands cross-stones in Julfa (Jugha).

“I am confident that the Armenian Army can maintain the balance by
both diplomatic and military means. If the concerned sides want
long-lasting peace in this region, Azerbaijan should be brought to the
constructive field , I don’t know whether it will be by making it
understand this, or by sanctions, pressures”, the Vice Speaker said.

Sharmazanov emphasized that such provocations can never affect the
political will of the citizens of Artsakh and Armenia. The aspiration
for freedom can never be questioned.

“All provocations cannot solve any issue. If the life of their soldier
has no value for them, for us, even a small injury of our soldier is
above all. The life of the citizen of Armenia and Artsakh is the most
expensive value”, he said.

The Armed Forces of Artsakh detected a reconnaissance penetration
attempt by Azerbaijani forces overnight January 25 in the defense
section of a military unit in the south-eastern (Kurapatkino)
direction of the line of contact. As result of preventive
countermeasures the Azerbaijani special forces were pushed back.
According to preliminary information, the Azerbaijani forces suffered
losses. Details are being clarified.