Belarus and Kazakhstan are also helping Azerbaijan to arm

Aravot, Armenia
Jan 24 2018
Belarus and Kazakhstan are also helping Azerbaijan to arm: Comments by Gevorg Melikyan
[Armenian News note: the below was translated from the Russian edition of Aravot]
Relations between Azerbaijan and Belarus have been developing since 2002. Azerbaijan has purchased weapons worth 0.5bn dollars from Belarus over the past decade, Gevorg Melikyan, the associate expert of the Armenian Institute of International and Security Affairs (AIISA), quoted the data at yesterday's [23 January] discussions of "Security dynamic in Armenia's neighbourhood" held in this organisation.

The expert expressed surprise that the Armenian media touched on this issue only at the end of 2017, saying that Azerbaijan transferred 170m dollars for Belarusian Polonez [multiple-launch rocket systems]. The expert is worried about the lack of discussions of the issue in the Armenian press, because he believes that it is a very serious military equipment, which is essentially an answer to the [Russian] Iskander [missile systems] delivered to Armenia.

Moreover, Gevorg Melikyan warned that Azerbaijan and Belarus were creating a joint enterprise in Gandzak ([Azerbaijan's] Ganca – editor's remark). They will produce military tractors. It is clear that Yerevan has already raised the issue on a number of occasions, but he [Melikyan] is somewhat concerned that [Karabakh capital] Stepanakert [Xankandi] is keeping silence. In the meantime, he thinks that it is a good occasion to show that it is an independent entity. "Stepanakert has taken aim at Ukraine, whose cooperation with Azerbaijan is weak compared to Belarus or hosts delegations from [Georgia's breakaway] Abkhazia and South Ossetia and enthusiastically welcomes the referendum in Iraqi Kurdistan," he noted.

The speaker also warned that another country, Kazakhstan, that is, [like Armenia], a member of the [Russian-led] EEU [Eurasian Economic Union], is also rendering military assistance to Azerbaijan. Military cooperation between Pakistan, Turkey, Azerbaijan, and Kazakhstan is being shaped at the moment and they intend to produce ballistic missiles. In other words, Kazakhstan is also heling Azerbaijan to arm.

In the meantime, Yerevan urges us to tell fairy tales about the breakdown of Azerbaijan. Instead of trusting them [the fairy tales], it is necessary to watch the steps that do not speak well for us: "Azerbaijan is several steps ahead of us".