Categories: 2018

Mutallibov has long sold his soul and biography to dictatorial regime of Baku – Armenian foreign ministry slams former Azeri president’s statement

Armenpress News Agency , Armenia

Mutallibov has long sold his soul and biography to dictatorial regime
of Baku - Armenian foreign ministry slams former Azeri president's

YEREVAN, JANUARY 25, ARMENPRESS. Former Azerbaijani president Ayaz
Mutallibov has long sold his soul to the dictatorial regime of Baku
for being allowed to return to the country, Armenian foreign ministry
spokesman Tigran Balayan said in response to ARMENPRESS request to
comment on the former president’s interview to Azeri media regarding
President Sargsyan’s recent statement.

“Mutallibov has long sold both his soul and biography to the
dictatorial regime of Baku for the permission to return to Azerbaijan.
And this angry response in Seidov’s [Azeri delegate to PACE] yesterday
style was from the series of reaffirming his commitment to the regime.
With the same logic he might announce tomorrow that the real goal
behind his resignation was to vacate the president’s seat for Heydar
Aliyev”, Balayan said.

After President Sargsyan’s speech at the Parliamentary Assembly of the
Council of Europe, the Azerbaijani delegate addressed a distorting
question in a rather aggressive manner. The President urged the
delegate to calm down and not to distort facts. In response to the
Azeri delegate’s question as to why he didn’t touch upon the Khojaly
events, the Armenian President said: “The answer to the question why I
did not touch upon the Khojaly events, which you call a genocide, is
very clear – because immediately after that tragic event President of
the Republic of Azerbaijan Ayaz Mutalibov presented very detailed and
informed facts and indicated who were the organizers of that massacre.
And I feel very sorry for that. Genocide is not a good thing, being
subjected to genocide is a torment and I think there is a tendency in
Azerbaijan to have anything Armenians have. This is inadmissible. Why
do you need to call something a genocide that has never happened,
especially not by Armenians.”

Yeghisabet Vorskanian: