Categories: 2018

Stepwise approach cannot exist in Karabakh settlement today – Nalbandian

Panorama, Armenia
Jan 29 2018

Some 20 years ago, it was perhaps possible to raise the question whether the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict would be settled by the stepwise or package variants, however the step-by-step settlement approach cannot exist today, Armenia’s Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian told a news conference on Monday.

“Today the [OSCE Minsk Group] Co-Chairs have announced on numerous occasions that the conflict needs to be resolved on the basis of the elements presented to the parties as a whole, i.e. as a package. Setting aside one provision will make the conflict settlement impossible,” he stressed.

According to the top Armenian official the package solution has been offered by the Co-Chairs, and it has repeatedly been announced also at the presidential level.

Edward Nalbandian highlighted Azerbaijan’s approach towards the Artsakh conflict settlement process not only contradicts to the position of the Armenian side, but also that of the international structures.

Reflecting on the famous ‘black list’ of Azerbaijan, the Armenian foreign minister reminded he has repeatedly stated the visit flows to Artsakh will grow following blogger Alexander Lapshin’s case, which came true. Citing Lapshin’s several disclosing statements over his stay in Baku, Nalbandian highlighted the times to forcibly restrict people’s rights to free movement are long gone.

“If we believe Baku’s claims that those who visit Nagorno-Karabakh are victims of the so called Armenian propaganda and they regret after returning their countries, that list would not increase to include 600 people. Azerbaijan’s claims have nothing to do with the reality, especially when those included in that list have felt honoured to visit Artsakh,” he added.

Vatche Chakhmakhchian: