Categories: 2018

Azerbaijani Press: A dangerous scenario for Karabakh – the USA follows Russia’s suit

Yeni Musavat (pro-opposition), Azerbaijan
Jan 22 2018
A dangerous scenario for Karabakh – the USA follows Russia's suit
[Armenian News note: the below is translated from Azeri]
America's double standards: New revelations; sensational disclosure by a former Georgian diplomat; There are facts about America's recognition of the documents issued by separatist regimes in post-Soviet states; Karabakh Armenians receive visas from the US embassy in Yerevan on documents issued by the so-called Karabakh republic…

The loyal attitude of the US co-chair of the OSCE Minsk Group to the Armenian separatism is an open secret.

And this loyalty that originates from the Christian factor manifests itself in the annual allocation of finances, in the periodical demonstrative visits of a number of congressmen to the occupied Karabakh and Xankandi [Stepanakert] as well as in regular visits of the separatist regime's leaders to America and the conduct of meetings in the US Congress against the backdrop of a piece of shabby cloth, called "the NKR [Nagorno-Karabakh republic] flag" and harsh anti-Azerbaijani accusations.

It is also true that many US states that have applied severe sanctions against Russia for the occupation of Crimea, have recognised the self-styled Nagorno-Karabakh as a state, while some American cities have become sister cities of Xankandi. Moreover, a representative office of the separatist body freely functions in California.

In the previous issue of our newspaper, we reported in detail about other facts against our sovereignty and the territorial integrity of our state. Yeni Musavat recalls that the report is about the non-transparent activities of the US-funded HALO Trust company, engaged in the alleged mine clearing activities on our occupied territories, that provides real support to Armenia and the illegal regime in Karabakh.

The most dangerous part of the matter is that this company does not get permission from the Azerbaijani government for its activities and does not report on the outcome of its activities to the Azerbaijani government.

In its open reports, it is claimed that there are distorted statements against the territorial integrity of our country and attempts to legitimise the separatist regime.

Thus, in such reports, the Nagorno-Karabakh region is presented as an independent entity, while others refer to it as a "state", presenting the occupied surrounding districts as "territories controlled by Nagorno-Karabakh, but beyond its Soviet borders".

We also pointed out that the funding of the HALO Trust by a number of states and international organisations to carry out mine clearing activities on the territory of Azerbaijan without its consent is a matter of serious concern and this is an outright disrespect for the territorial integrity of our country. Ultimately, all these are actions that are incompatible with the impartial mediation of the United States on the Karabakh issue.

However, it turned out that this was not all. It transpired that the USA, which does not officially recognise separatist regimes in the post-Soviet states as well as the self-styled "NKR" and the "elections" held by them, legalises "documents" issued by self-styled governments in an unimpeded manner through its embassies in Russia, Georgia and Armenia.

The Yeni Musavat newspaper, quoting the Haqqin.az news website, reports that Georgian diplomat Giorgi Kbiltsetskhlashvili, who worked seven years (2010-2017) for the US embassy in Russia, said it.

"As it is known from open sources, the United States does not recognise independence of Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and the Dniester region. In this regard, 'government bodies' of these separatist agencies are illegal and documents issued by them cannot be valid. People residing or born in these regions are obliged to appeal to the sovereign state bodies of Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Moldova to obtain relevant documents for immigration visas from the US embassies' consular offices," the former diplomat said.

However, he says that he had observed the opposite of this procedure, when he worked for the embassy: "During my seven years at the immigration visas department, I witnessed numerous cases of recognition of documents issued by separatist governments of Abkhazia and South Ossetia by consular officers as legitimate documents. It turns out that the US State Department recognises the separatist regimes in Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Nagorno-Karabakh and the Dniester region".

According to the former diplomat, the situation is the same at the US embassy's immigration section in Yerevan. "Nagorno-Karabakh Armenians apply for visas to the immigration section of the embassy in Yerevan, not to the US embassy in Baku, and they submit documents of the separatist regime. Someone can say that it is difficult for Karabakh Armenians to apply to the US embassy in Azerbaijan. But it is required by the law and it cannot be ignored," he said.

At this point, Yeni Musavat recalls that previously, Moscow officially decided to recognise the illegitimate passports issued by the so-called DPR [Donetsk people's republic] and LPR [Luhansk people's republic] in the east of Ukraine. Abkhazia and South Ossetia, which are integral parts of Georgia, were recognised as independent states and large military contingents were deployed there.

But it is Russia, the imperialist Russia, which does not hesitate to pursue a policy of outright aggression against neighbouring countries and supports separatism in those areas for its own interests and turns a blind eye to the international law, trying to rebuild the USSR. We wonder what the reason for the democratic USA that takes steps like Russia is.

Unlike Armenia, which is Russia's vassal, Azerbaijan is in a sincere partnership with the United States, the West, and is an important country for the United States, Europe, and Nato, with considerable geopolitical and energy potential. The paradox is also in that US officials frequently call Russia an occupier for the 2008 occupation of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, imposing sanctions for a third year against Moscow for the annexation of Crimea…

[Signed:] Analytical service of Yeni Musavat newspaper

Manouk Vasilian: