Azerbaijani Press: Azerbaijan to blacklist European Parliament member for illegally visiting its occupied lands

Azeri-Press news agency (APA)

Azerbaijan to blacklist European Parliament member for illegally
visiting its occupied lands

The visit of a member of the European Parliament from Sweden, Lars
Adaktusson, to the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, where the
bloodthirsty ethnic cleansing against more than one million people,
including the crime against humanity and the Khojaly genocide were
committed by Armenia, on the eve of Holocaust means to support the
aspirations of occupation, aggression and bloody ethnic cleansing,
Hikmat Hajiyev, spokesman for Azerbaijan's Foreign Ministry, told APA.

This illegal visit violates the laws of Azerbaijan and norms and
principles of international law, as well as harm the efforts of the
OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs towards a peaceful solution to the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, noted Hajiyev.

'It is extremely shameful that MEP Lars Adaktusson's visit took place
with the participation and funding of head of the Brussels-based
Armenian lobby, who is engaged in money laundering and dirty diamonds
trade,' he said.

'At a time when the EU member states themselves suffer from tendencies
of aggressive separatism, when the EU and the European Parliament
express support for territorial integrity and sovereignty of the
Eastern Partnership countries, Lars Adaktusson's illegal visit to
Azerbaijan's occupied territories and his contacts with the criminal
regime established there are not understandable,' stressed the

Instead of supporting aggressive separatism and the consequences of
occupation, Lars Adaktusson, as a member of the European Parliament,
could, by sharing and promoting the experience of the Åland Islands, a
successful model of autonomy between Sweden and Finland, contribute to
the settlement of the Armenia-Azerbaijan Nagorno-Karabakh conflict,
added Hajiyev.

Lars Adaktusson's name will be included in the list of undesirable
persons of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan, noted the