Bratislava: Danko: Armenian-Slovak Cooperation Should Deepen Even More

Tasr (online), Slovakia

29 January 2018
Danko: Armenian-Slovak Cooperation Should Deepen Even More

Danko: Armenian-Slovak Cooperation Should Deepen Even More Bratislava, January 29 (TASR) – Slovak-Armenian relations could be further strengthened and cooperation between the two countries could develop in multiple areas, Parliamentary Chairman (Slovak National Party/SNS) Andrej Danko said at a briefing after meeting with President of the National Assembly of Armenia Ara Babloyan on Monday."I'm proud of the fact that with human approaches and human dimensions the two of us today are contributing to further expanding Armenian-Slovak cooperation," stated Danko.He described the mutual relations between the countries as being friendly, problem-free and with potential for further development, not only in business-economic and entrepreneurial relationships, but also in the fields of education, student exchanges, sport and culture. The Slovak side also sees cooperation possibilities at the level of the parliamentary committees, especially between the Slovak parliamentary committee on European affairs, the parliamentary foreign committee and their counterparts in the National Assembly of Armenia. The importance of active bilateral cooperation within various international and interparliamentary organisations as well as greater support for contacts between the two parliaments was also mentioned by the head of the Armenian Parliament.

The talks also included the need for a peaceful solution to the Nagorno-Karabakh issue, as well as the EU-Armenia Comprehensive and Enhanced Partnership Agreement, which was signed in late November last year. "The agreement will serve as an outline for a versatile partnership in all areas of common interest and will be the best guarantee of the joint unity in making efforts to raise the relations between Armenia and the EU to a new level," said Babloyan. He expects Slovakia to support the process of liberalising the Schengen visa regime for Armenian citizens.Upon the reception, the parliamentary chairs laid wreaths on the Armenian Genocide Memorial to honour the victims of this massacre.