Macron: Armenian Genocide Day should be put on France memorable days’ calendar, Armenia
Jan 31 2018
Macron: Armenian Genocide Day should be put on France memorable days’ calendar Macron: Armenian Genocide Day should be put on France memorable days’ calendar

15:47, 31.01.2018

Armenian Genocide Day should be put on the calendar of memorable days of France.

French President Emmanuel Macron stated the aforesaid at the annual reception of the Coordination Council of Armenian Organizations in France, and noted that the relevant decision shall be made in the coming months.

“This is the pledge I have given during the [French presidential] election campaign, and now I confirm it,” said Macron. “We must fight against the denial of Armenian Genocide. The bill on criminalization of genocide denial will soon be submitted again for [parliamentary] debates and to the voting. This fight allows us to look in the eyes of today’s reality and current tragedies.”

And reflecting on relations with Turkey, the French president said he will try to engage Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in the regular respective discourse.

“I told him everything as it is,” added Emmanuel Macron. “France’s message is not words said in a vacuum.”