Western Prelacy News – 2/2/18

February 2, 2018
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.westernprelacy.org


        On Tuesday, February 6, 2018, the Armenian Church will commemorate
the Feast of Sts. Ghevontiants, honoring the legacy of the brave clergymen
who not only preached against tyranny, but with a cross in one hand and a
sword in the other fought on the front lines in the Vartanants war and in
the continuing resistance during the subsequent period.
        The Feast of Sts. Ghevontiants will be commemorated with Divine
Liturgy on Tuesday, February 6 at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello (900 W,
Lincoln Ave.), presided by the Prelate and with the participation of Prelacy
clergy. Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, will celebrate Divine
Liturgy and deliver the sermon. The service begins at 7:00 p.m. In the
morning, the annual clergy conference on this occasion will convene at Holy
Cross Cathedral presided by the Prelate. 
        On Thursday, February 8, the Armenian Church will commemorate the
Feast of Sts. Vartanants, among the most popular religious and national
feasts of the Armenian Church and people.General Vartan Mamigonian, his
commanders, priests, and companions, numbering 1,036, are remembered on this
feast day for their martyrdom in the year 451 in defense of our Christian
faith and nation. 
        The Feast of Sts. Vartanants will be commemorated with Divine
Liturgy on Thursday, February 8, at the North Hollywood parish (13050
Vanowen St.), presided by the Prelate and with the participation of Prelacy
clergy. Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian will celebrate Divine Liturgy and
deliver the sermon. The service begins at 7:00 p.m.
        We invite our faithful to join us in honoring the legacy of our
heroes who selflessly gave their lives in defense of our faith and nation. 



        At the start of each year, the 8th grade class of Ferrahian School
pays a visit to the Prelacy where they present a cultural program, receive
the blessings and hear the message of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
Prelate. This year's visit took place on Friday, February 2, 2018. The 42
students, accompanied by Principal Mrs. Sossi Shanlian and teachers, were
welcomed by the Prelate, who was joined by Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan,
Vicar General, Archpriest Fr. Nareg Pehlivanian, and Rev. Fr. Movses
        The visit began at the "St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen" Chapel where
clergy sang the hymn dedicated to Vartanants, given that the Feasts of Sts.
Ghevontiants and Sts. Vartanants were to be commemorated in the following
days. The Prelate also gave a brief explanation of the paintings of Sts.
Vartanants, St. Gregory the Illuminator, King Dertad, and St. Sahag and St.
Mesrob adorning the Chapel's walls.
        The visit continued at "Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall,
where the students presented a program of songs, recitations, dance, and
piano pieces dedicated to the Battle of Avarayr and the Artsakh liberation
        The Prelate commended the students for their performances and the
teachers for the instruction they are providing to our youth, and then
answered questions posed by the students on various topics relating to the
Catholicosate, Prelacy, the Sis lawsuit, and general ecclesiastical matters.
His Eminence commended the students' curiosity and interest, and noted that
such visits serve as opportunities for them to renew their allegiance to our
faith, nation, and heritage as well as the strengthening of the
Prelacy-School bonds. The Prelate stated the expectation for our students to
become active contributors to the life of our nation when they become adults
as well as to society in general, and highlighted the role of our Armenian
Schools in this regard. Finally, he urged the students to truly comprehend
the value of the Armenian Church and School and pledge to remain faithful to
our church and nation.
        The students presented a gift to the Prelate, while His Eminence
gifted copies of the Prelacy's newly published Divine Liturgy booklet. The
visit came to a close with the benediction, followed by "Cilicia" and the
Armenian national anthem, after which students toured the Prelacy.



        By the invitation of the Advisory Board of the Consulate General of
Lebanon in Los Angeles and a group of Armenian-American and
Lebanese-American community members, on the evening of Thursday, February
1st, 2018, a farewell reception honoring His Excellency Ambassador Johnny
Ibrahim was held at the California Club in Los Angeles.
        H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, attended and
conveyed his blessings and well wishes to Ambassador Ibrahim as he completes
his term as Consul General of Lebanon in Los Angeles and embarks on his new
mission as Ambassador of Lebanon in Argentina. Members of our Prelacy and
community organizations were in attendance. 



        On Saturday, January 27, 2018, the Armenian Church commemorated the
Feast of St. Sarkis, his son Mardiros, and their fourteen soldiers, who in
the 4th century were martyred in defense of the Christian faith. As the
feasts marks the name-day of St. Sarkis Church of Pasadena, on Sunday
January 28, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated
Divine Liturgy, delivered the sermon, and conducted the blessing of madagh
at St. Sarkis Church. Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan assisted at the altar.
Executive Council members Mr. Avo Kechichian and Mrs. Therese Kemanjian,
benefactors Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis and Suzan Kitsinian and family, parish
family members, representatives of community organizations, and a large
number of faithful were in attendance.
        As the choir sang the hymn "Hrashapar," His Eminence entered the
church in a procession to begin Divine Liturgy. The Prelate began his sermon
by giving thanks to God for the opportunity to collectively partake in the
day's Divine Liturgy and name-day celebration, and inspired by the message
of St. Sarkis, his son Mardiros, and their fourteen soldiers, to renew our
faith and in the words of the day's Gospel reading from John 6:22-38, to
labor not for perishable food but for the heavenly food. His Eminence
greeted the Executive Council members, benefactors, parish family, and
faithful, wishing all continued successes in their service as "workers who
do not need to be ashamed" (2 Timothy 2:15).
        Citing a verse from Nerses Shnorhali's hymn dedicated to St. Sarkis,
the Prelate highlighted the saint's virtues as a fulfiller of requests,
hearer of prayers, persecutor of evil, liberator of captives, alleviator of
torments, and a brave and fearless preacher of the Christian faith, for
which he, his son, and their soldiers were martyred. Referencing the message
of the day's Gospel reading, the Prelate urged all to labor not for
perishable food but for the bread of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, as did St.
Sarkis and all of our saints. "St. Sarkis remains an everlasting intercessor
for the Armenian people. Today, let us beseech his intercession for God to
strengthen our faith so that we seek and pursue heavenly bread alone, to be
endowed with his faith so that we may overcome and conquer all troubles with
faith, and to transform us into bold and fearless soldiers and defenders of
our faith and nation," stressed the Prelate, and concluded by once again
conveying his congratulations and hoping for the message and spirit of the
day's celebration to lead all into His light.
        At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, the Prelate presided over
requiem service and conducted the blessing of madagh. Prayers of repose were
offered for the souls of the first parish pastor, Archpriest Fr. Sarkis
Antreassian, the parents of the benefactors, Board of Trustees members,
Delegates, Ladies Guild members, and all departed church servants.
Afterward, as the choir sang the hymn "Oorakh Ler," His Eminence descended
from the altar and proceeded to the narthex where the celebration came to a
close with "Cilicia" and the Pontifical anthem.
        A lunch reception followed at "Andonian" Hall, presided by the
Prelate and with the attendance of Executive Council member Mrs. Therese
Kemanjian, the parish family, benefactor family, and "Lernavayr" Gomideh
Chair Mr. Arman Baghdoyan. Rev. Fr. Boghos Baltayan welcomed the guests,
expressed gratitude to the Prelate and thanks to the benefactors, and wished
for St. Sarkis to be intercessor for all. The grandchildren of the
benefactors entertained the guests with a medley of songs. Board of Trustees
Chair Mr. Koko Panossian thanked all the sponsors and especially the Ladies
Guild for their hard work over the preceding few days. Well wishes and
congratulations were delivered by Mr. and Mrs. Sarkis and Suzan Kitsinian
and long-time parish servant Mr. Sarkis Dervishian. Following the cutting of
a cake dedicated to the parish name-day and the Prelate's milestone
anniversaries, His Eminence delivered his message highlighting the special
meaning and importance of such celebrations as opportunities for renewal and
recommitment to faith and service. He concluded by congratulating all those
bearing the name of St. Sarkis and his son Mardiros, in particular Mr.
Sarkis Kitsinian, and closed the luncheon with the benediction. 



        On Sunday, January 28, 2018, the 26th anniversary of the
establishment of Armenia's National Army was celebrated with a special event
held under the auspices of the Consulate General of the Republic of Armenia
and organized by the Armenian Society of Los Angeles. The honored guests
were Marat Petrossyan and Narek Malkhasyan, young heroes of the four-day
Artsakh war. 
        The evening began with a private reception and press conference,
which on behalf of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, Rev. Fr.
Ghevont Kirazian attended. Alongside congratulatory and laudatory remarks
addressed to the army, Mr. Artsrun Hovannisyan, Press Secretary of Armenia's
Ministry of Defense, highlighted the brave service and important role of the
two heroes during the war and answered questions posed by attendees. Fr.
Ghevont conveyed the Prelate's blessings and in his message reflected on the
collaborative efforts of the Armenian people, church, and army in defense of
our homeland and heritage, citing the example of Vartan Mamigonian and
Ghevont Yerets from the Battle of Avarayr, the Battle of Sardarabad one
hundred years ago, and the ongoing defense of Artsakh today. 
        A public celebration followed, which was attended by Archpriest Fr.
Nareg Pehlivanian on behalf of the Prelate. The program began with national
anthems and prayer, and continued with remarks and cultural performances. 


        By the invitation of the Homenetmen Western Regional Executive, on
Saturday, January 27, 2018, board members of local chapters, committees'
members, and honorary presidents of the Navasartian Games gathered at
Phoenicia Restaurant in Glendale for the organization's annual New Year and
Christmas celebration.
        H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, attended and
conveyed his blessings and message, highlighted the milestone anniversaries
to be celebrated this year, among them the centennial of the first Republic
of Armenia and of Homenetmen, and the 90th anniversary of Hamazkayin,
wishing that these occasions serve as opportunities for renewal of service.
His Eminence wished for the upcoming centennial celebration of Homenetmen to
lead the organization to new heights, and blessed and commended the greater
Homenetmen family including past honorary presidents of the Navasartian
Games and "Exemplary Homenetmen Members." 



        On Saturday, January 27, 2018, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate, welcomed the visit of Dr. Hrant Markarian,
playwright, poet, theater specialist, literary critic, director, and actor,
who was in Los Angeles by the invitation of the Hamazkayin "Hovhannes
Toumanian" Chapter to present a one-man theatrical show dedicated to the
110th anniversary of the passing of Khrimian Hayrig. Dr. Markarian was
accompanied by Hamazkayin representatives Mr. Saro Nazarian and Mrs. Tamar
        The Prelate and Dr. Markarian, long-time friends, conversed about
Armenian culture in general and their respective service in that regard. Dr.
Markarian provided details about his theatrical production dedicated to
Khrimian Hayrig, which was held the following evening. On behalf of the
Prelate, Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, attended. He was
joined by Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian and Rev. Fr. Ghevont Kirazian. In his
remarks on behalf of the Prelate, Fr. Torkom stated, "We have read and
learned about Khrimian Hayrig, however, today, we had the opportunity to
sense and experience his spirit and message." 


        By the initiative of the Consulate General of Armenia and the
Consulate General of Mexico in Los Angeles, February 2-9, 2018, has been
designated Mexican-Armenian Cultural Week. Throughout the week, the
contributions of both communities to the city of Los Angeles will be
celebrated with school assemblies, art exhibits, movie screenings, and other
        The opening ceremony was held on the morning of Friday, February
2nd, at Van Nuys City Hall. On behalf of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate, Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian attended the
ceremony, which featured the presentation of a resolution introduced by LA
City Councilmembers Paul Krekorian and Monica Rodriguez.
        Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia to the U.S., the Honorable
Grigor Hovhannisian, was in attendance, alongside members of the Consulates,
community leaders and members. 



        On Friday, January 26, 2018, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
Prelate, welcomed a special visit from two heroes of the Artsakh four-day
war of 2016, Narek Malkhasyan and Marat Petrossyan, bearers of Armenia's
"Combat Cross" highest order of honor and Artsakh's "Medal for Courage." The
honored guests are in Los Angeles to participate in the celebration of the
26th anniversary of Armenia's National Army Day on Sunday, January 28, under
the auspices of the Consulate General of Armenia in Los Angeles. Very Rev.
Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General, joined in the meeting. The heroes were
accompanied by Artsrun Hovannisyan, Press Secretary of Armenia's Ministry of
Defense, and Razmik Stepanyan, Counsellor at the Consulate General of
Armenia in Los Angeles.
        The Prelate warmly greeted the heroes, commending their heroism and
devotion to homeland. Following a conversation on the four-day war, the
visit continued at the "St. Dertad and St. Ashkhen" Chapel where the Prelate
offered a prayer for the safety and security of Armenia and Artsakh and
blessed the heroes. 
        At the conclusion of the visit, His Eminence presented mementos to
the heroes.  
