Categories: 2018

Art: Meet the Armenian artist turning food into fashion illustrations

SBS, Australia
Feb 6 2018
Meet the Armenian artist turning food into fashion illustrations
If you’ve ever wondered what wearing orange peel would look like, Edgar Artis' Instagram account for you.
By  Lucy Rennick
Orange peel, browned apple slices, lychee skin: to most people, these things are compost items, or even worse, rubbish. To Paris-based Armenian artist Edgar Artis, however, they’re much more than that.

Artis creates takes everyday items and food scraps and uses them to augment distinct, pencil-drawn fashion illustrations, blurring the lines between art, fashion and food. 

“I would describe my work as a way of showing the beauty of the simplest things around us that we may not notice,” Artis tells SBS. The 23-year-old is a self-taught artist, studying a Bachelor of Fashion Design and Technology at IFA Paris.

He explains his Instagram account is both a site for experimentation and something that he hopes will inspire others to make art.

And, really, who wouldn’t be inspired by pancake fashion?

Or banana fashion?

Artis uses food to tell stories, and to show his followers how beautiful life can be. “It is quite fun to work with foods that give shape to my 2D drawings,” he says, “But my favourite material is flowers, because they are very soft and fragile. It’s pure beauty. Nature is innocent. I love the innocence.” His work includes finely crafted prawn ball gowns, skirts made out of hot chips and croissant tutus, but his favourite work is War of A Thousand Feelings, made out of metal nut, bolts and screws.
“Sometimes we get bullied, criticised and people want to see us down, and we have to dress the amor to protect ourselves and go through it,” the caption reads. “She is dancing and she is in a war with her feelings, but she keeps on fighting cause she craves to win and find the piece inside.”

For Artis, the next step is to take his skills off Instagram and into the real world of fashion. “I want to start creating real clothing,” he says. “I’m studying everything about [it] at IFA Paris, so I hope soon you will see more interesting objects. I also want to collaborate with other artists and photographers. I have some crazy ideas which I hope will turn into reality.”

 Look out, Karl Lagerfeld.

 Follow Edgar Artis on Instagram.

See more of the Instagram photos at https://www.sbs.com.au/food/article/2018/02/07/meet-armenian-artist-turning-food-fashion-illustrations

Rose Khoyetsian: