Categories: 2018

Artsakh’s Talish reviving after 2016 devastation

Public Radio of Armenia
Feb 7 2018
Artsakh’s Talish reviving after 2016 devastation
18:11, 07 Feb 2018
Artsakh’s Talish village is reviving after it was devastated as a result of Azerbaijan aggression in April 2016.
Seventeen houses are ready for exploitation, reconstruction of the main street is in process, the water supply system has been changed, head of the community Vilen Petrosyan told Public Radio of Armenia.
Today there are only men living in the village, but one family has already returned to its home.
Member of the Armenian National Assembly, singer Shushan Petrosyan has recently toured the village to disperse rumors that construction works have been halted.
Shushan says the traces of 2016 destruction have partly been eliminated, and “new breath can be felt in the village.”
The cultural center, where the singer has performed on many occasions in the past, has also been renovated. Before the hall is ready to host new cultural events, Shushan Petrosyan is organizing concerts in the military units of Martuni, Stepanakert and Karvachar.
Emil Karabekian: