Tatarstan to buy one million liters of Armenian brandy

PanArmenian, Armenia
Feb 16 2018

PanARMENIAN.NetTatarstan’s Tatspirtprom JSC will purchase from Armenia one million liters of absolute alcohol.

100 thousand deciliters of brandy distillate will be transported to Kazan, while the contractor will have to provide services during 2018. The price of the contract is 26 million rubles (apx $461,000).

“Armenian brandy is universally recognized and is one of the most popular [alcoholic drinks] at least in CIS countries,” Director of the Research of the Center of Investigations of Federal and Regional Alcohol Markets (CIFRRA) Vadim Drobiz has said, according to Tatar-Inform.

“Armenia has preserved brandy production traditions.”

Brandy production in Armenia grew 39,4% in 2017 against the previous year. 30 million tons of brandy were produced in the reporting against the 21.5 million tons made in 2016.