Categories: 2018

Adoption of two Armenian Genocide bills by Parliament of Netherlands further escalates that country’s relations with Turkey

Armenpress News Agency, Armenia

Adoption of two Armenian Genocide bills by Parliament of Netherlands
further escalates that country's relations with Turkey

YEREVAN, FEBRUARY 23, ARMENPRESS. The adoption of two bills on the
Armenian Genocide by the Parliament of the Netherlands on February 22
further escalated that country’s relations with Turkey, reports

After the discussion in the Parliament, Turkey’s foreign ministry
summoned theDutch charge d‘affaires ErikWeststrate on February 17
during which official Ankara said the “politicization of historical
events is unacceptable”.

Nevertheless, the Parliament of the Netherlands adopted the two
Armenian Genocide bills with absolute majority of votes.

The Turkish foreign ministry, immediately after the adoption of the
bills, issued a statement “strictly condemning the adopted bills”.
Official Ankara said the bills “are not legally binding”.

The relations between Turkey and the Netherlands escalated in 2017
when the Dutch government banned the Turkish politicians to hold
campaigns in the Netherlands ahead of the constitutional referendum in

The Turkish leadership was making tough statements addressed to the
Netherlands, and President Recep Tayyip Erdogan repeatedly blamed that
country on showing Fascism and Nazi behavior.

The complete failure of talks on normalizing the relations was
announced on February 5, 2018 when the Netherlands announced
officially recalling its ambassador in Turkey. The ambassador left
Ankara in March 2017, but the Dutch foreign ministry announced its
decision on not sending the ambassador back to Turkey. Moreover, the
ministry said it will not accept appointment of new Turkish ambassador
to the Netherlands.

English – translator/editor: Aneta Harutyunyan

Arsine Chaltikian: