Categories: 2018

RPA votes for Yelk’s Project on discussing March 1 events at NA (video)

The draft law on making changes to the Electoral Code and rejecting the territorial election system proposed by the Tsarukyan faction is being discussed in the National Assembly, .

Head of the Armenian Revolutionary Federation (ARF) Armen Rustamyan noted that this is one of the most important issues and they do not have an agreement now.

MP of Yelk (Way out) faction Artak Zeynalyan, in his turn, announced that the NA may make a decision to start a discussion on this issue.

Head of the Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) Vahram Baghdasaryan stated that they have time to finally accept this issue till 2022. “And our colleagues should discuss this issue, but at this point we do not find it expedient to discuss it.”

The bill was put to the vote and was rejected by 39 for and 56 against. ARF voted for it.

The NA also discussed the draft proposed by the Yelk faction to adopt a draft statement on March 1, 2008 events.

Edmon Marukyan, a member of the Yelk faction, noted that it did not become clear why the RPA was against their project.

And Gevorg Kostanyan, a member of the RPA faction, noted that they were able to hold a deliberative discussion at the parliamentary hearings. “I suggest putting into the discussion and putting this project on the agenda.”

The project was accepted by 93 for.

Suren Karakhanian: