Sports: Cheerful comments of basketball players following the victory

MediaMax, Armenia
Feb 26 2018
Cheerful comments of basketball players following the victory

The players shared their impressions after the game.

Alan Hess

We put an enormous amount of efforts to be able to win in this tough game. Our competitor was very perseverant.

Photo: Mediamax

The fans were just great, they always provide warm atmosphere during home games. They have supported us since summer.

We are very excited about the victory over Albania and the fact that we were able to accomplish our goal. We have plenty of chances to qualify for the next stage.

Aragad Abramyan

We showed our team work, the most important part of which is our victory. I am happy for my first performance within Armenia national team; I was very calm. I haven’t got such a high-level game for some time now, and I hope I will be able to play even better in the future.

We are not just teammates, we communicate outside the court as well. We are close friends, that’s why we understand each other well during the game.

Photo: Mediamax

Lucas Fischer

We performed very well. We had a game with Albanian team last year so we knew our competitor well. The fans were just perfect. I think we have big chances to qualify for the next stage.