Do not be annoyed, Mr. Hakobyan – Arpine Hovhannisyan

Today, the National Assembly discussed the bill on making amendments and addenda to the Law on Social Guarantees of State Officials.

Hakob Hakobyan, Chairwoman of the RA National Assembly Standing Committee on Health and Social Affairs, mentioned that the amendments were made to ensure the generations’ change.

According to these amendments, people will receive a pension after their retirement age, if they do not work in the system.

Republican MP Khosrov Harutyunyan and MP of Yelk (Way out) faction Artak Zeynalyan noted that the bill is unconstitutional and thus deprives a person of the right to a pension.

Hakob Hakobyan opposed saying that people are not deprived of the right to a pension. The pension will be provided in case of leaving work. According to him, this is done so that the state system does not become group of old people.

Vice Speaker of the National Assembly Arpine Hovhannisyan intervened the discussion.

“Do not be annoyed, Mr. Hakobyan.”