Do they do bluffs or want to reveal the March 1 events? – Aram Manukyan (video)

Armenian National Congress (ANC) Vice President Aram Manukyan believes that the authorities’ actions on trying to identify the March 1 tragedy is bluff.

“Do they do bluffs or want to reveal them. It’s a regular game. Do not have any expectations in that respect.”

Aram Manukyan sees dangers in this respect. One of them, according to him, will be when the political part is not be accepted, and the part of the consensus will be accepted, so the parliament can show that this is just a matter of money, by giving money to parents, compensating for the part of political sentiments. This will spoil the case, discredit the political nature of March 1.

The ANC vice-president came to a meeting with journalists in with a book titled The Crimes of March 1, compiled by Aram Manukyan, Armen Khachatryan and Ashot Sargsyan.  PACE resolutions and other international responses to the March 1 events are included in the book. Also, it includes numerous speeches, fact-finding reports, political prisoner lists, their notes from prisons, and more.

Tomorrow, a rally will be held in commemoration of March 1 victims.