Armenian culture still influences Kim Kardashian’s life – Life&Style publishes article (video)

Show business

Although Kim Kardashian was born and raised in Southern California, she still has Armenian blood running through her veins. The reality star has been super outspoken about how important her Armenian culture is to her, and no matter how famous she’s gotten, she’s never lost sight of who she really is, Life&Style magazine published an article titled ‘Here’s How Kim Kardashian’s Armenian Culture Still Influences Her Life’.

The magazine writes celebrating her birthday in October 2017, Kim gathered all of her family and friends at Carousel in LA. “The Armenian restaurant has been a favorite of her family’s since she was a little girl, and she was thrilled to receive an “Armenian style” white cake with her photo on it for the special occasion”, Life&Style writes.

The article states that however, being Armenian is more than just enjoying the food to Kim. The magazine recalled the open letter Kim wrote on the Time magazine in 2016 to raise awareness on the Armenian Genocide.

Life&Style writes Kim and her sisters visited Armenia in 2015 where they also visited the Armenian Genocide Memorial to pay tribute to the memory of the innocent victims.

“My sister and I are trying to bring awareness not only to our Armenian Genocide but genocides and human slaughter, in general. Knowledge is power!” We love how the Kardashians never lose sight of who they are!”, Khloe Kardashian said.