Categories: 2018

Yaroslavl Radio Plant will continue cooperation with Armenia`s defense complex

ArmInfo, Armenia
Yaroslavl Radio Plant will continue cooperation with Armenia`s defense complex

Yerevan March 24

Alexander Avanesov. The Yaroslavl radio plant, part of the concern RTI, completed the first large contract with the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Armenia. An agreement was signed to supply a foreign customer with a large batch of radio stations for infantry troops worth a total of 200 million RUR. As the portal "Yaroslavl region" informs, the general director of the enterprise Sergey Yakushev, who took part in the presentation of the region in the Armenian embassy in Moscow, informed about it the day before.

"This was the first serious contract on Rosoboronexport, and this year we completed the shipment of the entire consignment of our products to the Armenian military." We plan to sell two more orders in the near future. "One, for 60 million rubles, has already been signed with the Republic of Armenia, the amount of 200 million rubles, we plan to get through Rosoboronexport," said Sergei Yakushev, adding that negotiations are underway to establish a joint venture to operate and repair equipment.

Today, the Yaroslavl Region and Armenia are carrying out cooperation in the field of education, culture, as well as trade and economic cooperation. The turnover of the region with the republic in 2017 increased threefold compared to 2016 and amounted to $ 14.5 million, of which $ 14.3 million – the volume of exports.

"At the meeting in the embassy there were heads of Yaroslavl and Armenian enterprises, some of them have already established a strong partnership, in particular, there is active cooperation in the field of road machinery." We are happy to operate the machines your enterprises produce, Armenia in the Russian Federation Karen Asoyan, noting at the same time that the volume of goods turnover will also be allowed by products of the rubber technical industry and machine building enterprises of the Yaroslavl region.

In addition, the representatives of Armenia expressed interest in continuing the supply of agricultural products to Russia and the development of tourist interaction.

Hagop Kamalian: