Categories: 2018

Egyptian parliament: Turkey’s actions in Syria and Iraq resembles massacre of Armenian people

News.am, Armenia
Egyptian parliament: Turkey’s actions in Syria and Iraq resembles massacre of Armenian people Egyptian parliament: Turkey’s actions in Syria and Iraq resembles massacre of Armenian people
13:47, 26.03.2018

The Egyptian parliament's Arab affairs committee condemned Turkey’s military action in Syria and Iraq and compared it to the Armenian Genocide.

“This is a new mass extermination war and it reminds us of Turkey's massacre of the Armenian people during the first World War,” the lawmakers said in a statement. 

The committee deplored that “both Russia and the United States are turning a blind eye to Erodgan's war crimes and its racial cleansing operations against the Kurds in Syria and Iraq,” Ahram Online reported.

The committee's statement argued that "it is clear that dictator Erdogan's internal failures have forced him to mount military adventures against Turkey's neighbours in a way that poses a threat to international peace and stability in the Middle East."

The statement urged the Arab League, Arab leaders and Arab peoples to take a united stand against aggressive Turkish policies in the Arab world.

Emma Jilavian: