Categories: 2018

Does Andrias Ghukasyan endanger Serzh Sargsyan’s corrupt regime? (video)

The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) will soon investigate the case of Andrias Ghukasyan, a member of the New Armenia opposition movement, who was detained for nearly two years.

The complaint of violation of Article 18 of the Convention, the abuse of state power against political opponents, was raised against Armenia. The court has asked to present information indicating the violation of the Convention’s articles on the applicant.

“They wanted a document, and the record of the trial, during which the judge said that he asked Andrias Ghukasyan whether he would continue his opposition activities if he was released, he also wrote a decision,” Karen Mezhlumyan said to A1+, by adding that the applicant has already sent that recording and they are also considering the case for political motives.

And today, the court continued the trial of Andrias Ghukasyan, accused of organizing mass disorders and attempts to join Sasna Tsrer group, on July 29, 2016. At the very beginning of the session, Andrias Ghukasyan’s lawyer stated that the judge continues to hold procedural violations, restrict Andrias Ghukasyan’s rights, reject the petitions, and therefore he again challenges. “Say something new, the same thing cannot be repeated 10 times,” said Judge Vardan Grigoryan.

Karen Mezhlumyan wanted to cite the example of an American professor to show how police violated human rights, but the judge interrupted him. “It would have been like a National Assembly that we could turn off your microphone.”

It was unclear for Andrias Ghukasyan why the judge refused to change his preventive measure by pointing out that being free, Adrias Ghukasyan could pose a serious threat to public life.

“If you mentioned that I could endanger Serzh Sargsyan’s corrupt regime, I would agree with you completely,” said Andrias Ghukasyan

Maral Chavushian: