168: Artsakh’s people still suffer consequences of war: there are still landmines near settlements – presidential spox


he people of Artsakh continue suffering the consequences of the war: after the war Artsakh’s territory was the first in the world with the quantity of landmines per square kilometer. After the war thanks to the demining operations it was possible to clean Artsakh’s territory from landmines by nearly 95%, but to neutralize the danger by 100% is almost impossible, Davit Babayan – spokesman of the President of Artsakh, told Armenpress commenting on the landmine explosion in Gazanchi area of Artsakh’s Martakert region as a result of which three de-miners of HALO Trust were killed and two more were injured.

“In general, we have losses from landmine explosion, and people are being killed, there are also wounded, but this is the consequence of the war as Artsakh’s territory has been extremely mined, perhaps it has been the first in the world with the quantity of landmines per square kilometer. Although there are some places where there are still landmines. And it’s almost impossible to neutralize them by 100%. Even the landmines remained from the World War II explode in different countries. Imagine how many years have passed. And this tragic incident happened, it’s really a tragedy, two people are wounded and fight for their lives. I think everything will be good: doctors do everything to save their lives”, Davit Babayan said.

Asked whether that 5% of Artsakh’s territory where there are still landmines is close to settlements or not, Davit Babayan stated: “There are landmines that are close to settlements, there are some in the fields since during the war these territories, especially Martakert region, the eastern parts of Askeran region, have repeatedly passed from hand in hand and were mined intensively, and the maps of these landmines have been lost or deliberately eliminated by Azerbaijanis. Therefore, it’s a very complicated work. We are grateful to the HALO Trust for managing together with the state to demine significant territories”.

The Artsakh Presidential spokesman noted that the consequences of the war are obvious. He said the consequences of war can remain for years and decades.

HALO Trust has confirmed that three of its staff were killed and two injured, by the accidental detonation of an anti-tank landmine in the Gazanchi area in Martakert, Artsakh in the morning of March 29. The staff members were in a vehicle conducting survey duties at the time. The injured have been taken to hospital and HALO is contacting the families of those killed.
