Categories: 2018

ACNIS reView #11, 2018: Involuntary discoveries of a blue-haired girl


Involuntary discoveries of a blue-haired girl
30 MARCH 2018

In recent days, the incident with 19-year-old Asya Khachatryan, whose behavior and appearance does not meet the standards of Armenia and Artsakh, has become the main theme of social networks. Several subthemes were mixed in the discussions: Armenian-Karabakhi, dignity-tradition, permissiveness of the police, law and personal freedom, patriotism, discrimination on the basis of gender, etc. The problems accumulated over all these years immediately merged in one boiler and became the subject of discussion.

In legal jurisdictions, such events are called "cases" when any case of legal or public discourse is at the center of public debate, as a result of which society overestimates its worldview, formulates new value and legal relationships and approaches.

The officers of the provincial police are trying to call to order a blue-haired girl smoking on the street, the way they are used to: by beating, humiliation and street obscenities, not following legal procedures, as a result of which we’ve got we got: the "differentiation" of Karabakhi and Armenian, as well as a number of issues surfaced that had been waiting for their solutions for a long time: about the status of military service of the citizens of Armenia in Artsakh, the problem of the protection of Armenians in Artsakh, the status of the Artsakh people and, in general, the status of Artsakh, and etc. And here we are faced with a grave political lawlessness, which was recklessly laid in the foundation of the Republic of Armenia.

As a result of public pressure, the Supreme Council of Soviet Armenia adopted a joint resolution in 1989, in which Artsakh was recognized as a part of Armenia, and the people of Artsakh inherited Armenian citizenship and, during the 1990 elections, elected their deputies to the Armenian parliament. Here everything would be clear: in this case, Armenian soldiers would have served legally in Stepanakert, and the issue of violation of Asya's rights would have been solved in Stepanakert if she had applied to Stepanakert city court with a civil suit.

The beginning of Artsakh adventures of Asya was laid much earlier, even before her birth in 1991, when the country that declared independence in Armenia without a legal cancellation of the decision to unite Artsakh with Armenia and without Artsakh itself, held a referendum on independence and, actually, on international platforms officially recognized Artsakh as part of Azerbaijan. This was due to Armenia's desire to become a member of the CIS, as well as OSCE commitments ratified by the Armenian parliament, and the citizens of Armenia did not know about the content of these points. In fact, this was done by deception, without abolishing the previous decision of the Supreme Body.

It is not by accident that it was at that time – in 1991-1992, that the Armenian-Karabakh split first sounded in the statements of the Armenian political leaders.   In essence, this was done to create a moral environment with the aim of justifying the step to show that the "people of Karabakh" jeopardize Armenia, exposing it to hunger and turning it into enemies with Azerbaijan and Turkey.

Thus, the blow in the back of Artsakh by the leaders of "Mother Armenia" led to a reciprocal psychological division. The case of Asya Khachatryan turned into a catalyst for the accumulated mutual distrust that revealed more than a quarter century of injustice, behind which, of course, political interests of certain group were hidden.

Garnik Zakarian: