Categories: 2018

Western Prelacy News – 4/6/18

April 6, 2018
Western Prelacy of the Armenian Apostolic Church of America
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate
6252 Honolulu Avenue
La Crescenta, CA 91214
Tel: (818) 248-7737
Fax: (818) 248-7745
E-mail: info@westernprelacy.org
Website: www.westernprelacy.org



        On Sunday, April 8, 2018, which is called New Sunday or Second
Easter, H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, will celebrate
Divine Liturgy and deliver the sermon at the Armenian Apostolic Church of
North Hollywood (13050 Vanowen St.). The service begins at 2:00 p.m.
        During Divine Liturgy, the Prelate will present "St. Vartan" and
"Kayl Vahan" medals to Homenetmen scouts who have successfully completed the
religious curriculum.



        On Thursday, April 19, 2018, writer and educator Kevork Bedigian's
latest book dedicated to Aleppo will be presented at the Western Prelacy
"Dikran and Zarouhie Der Ghazarian" Hall. The event is being held under the
auspices of H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, and is organized
by the Western Prelacy Cultura-Education Committee in conjunction with
Asbarez and the Karen Jeppe College Alumni Association Los Angeles chapter.
The book will be presented by Mrs. Dzovinar Ghazarian-Melkonian. The program
will feature cultural performances by ARS "Talin" Chapter Saturday School
        The event begins at 7:00 p.m. 



        On Wednesday, April 4, 2018, a special Easter service was held at
Ararat Home in Mission Hills presided by H.E. Archbishop Moushegh
Mardirossian, Prelate, and with the participation of clergy members.
        The celebration began at the Nursing Facility with the singing of
Easter hymns and the home blessing service. Prior to the service, the
Prelate greeted and conveyed his blessings and well wishes to the
administration, staff, and residents, praying for good health for all and
the healing touch of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mr. Bedros Seferian, a resident,
read a letter he had written addressed to the Prelate and clergy asking for
their blessings and praying for God to protect and keep our Holy See,
churches, and Ararat Home. Mr. Derik Ghoogasian, Ararat Home CFO, thanked
the Prelate and clergy for their regular visits and continuous care and
conveyed his Easter well wishes.
        Divine Liturgy followed at the Chapel. Archpriest Fr. Vicken
Vassilian celebrated Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon on the
Resurrection of Christ and the resurrection of the Armenian nation following
the Armenian Genocide. At the conclusion of the service, Mr. Michael
Surmeian, Ararat Home Board Chairman, conveyed his gratitude and best
        The blessing of the home service at the Assisted Living Facility
followed. Mrs. Rita Noravian, Assisted Living Facility administrator,
greeted and thanked the clergy and conveyed her well wishes. 
        A luncheon hosted by the Board and administration followed. 



        On Sunday, April 1st, 2018, the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus
Christ with its message of hope and renewal was joyfully celebrated in
Prelacy Churches. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated
Easter Divine Liturgy and delivered the sermon at St. Mary's Church in
Glendale. Parish Pastors Archpriest Fr. Vazken Atmajian and Rev. Fr. Ardak
Demirjian assisted at the altar. 
        Prior to delivering the sermon, the Prelate joyfully greeted the
faithful and gave thanks to God for granting the opportunity to once again
celebrate the glorious Resurrection of Christ with renewed faith and
triumphant spirit and congratulate one another with chants of "Christ is
risen from the dead." He wished for the spirit of the Resurrection to lead
us all on our faith journey and for the Risen Christ to reside in our hearts
and souls.
        "God arose, His enemies were scattered and those who hated Him
fled." Jesus had many enemies and opponents throughout His earthly life who
attempted to hinder His salvific mission, but through His Resurrection He
triumphed over all who sought to extinguish His Light, said the Prelate.
Citing from the day's Gospel reading from Mark 16:1-8, His Eminence
emphasized that the fear and awe of the women who found Christ's empty tomb
was alleviated and they were filled with hope, spiritual joy, and
strengthened faith when they saw the risen Christ. Along with the disciples
they spread the good news of His Resurrection to the world, and centuries
later we exchange the same good news with one another with the same joy,
hope, and triumphant spirit, he said. 
        "The Resurrection is the victory of righteousness, truth, goodness,
and light over death, sin, evil, and darkness. As faithful servants of
Christ, we are invited to partake of His gift of renewal and new life, to
overcome and triumph over selfishness, hatred, pride, and a sinful life and
be clothed in the virtues of love, respect, and longsuffering," stressed the
Prelate. He concluded by wishing for the triumphant spirit of the
Resurrection and the 100th anniversary of the first Republic of Armenia to
lead to renewed faith, renewed patriotism, and renewed drive in our
collective service to our church, nation, and homeland.
        On Monday, April 2nd, Easter Memorial Day, requiem service was held
at Forest Lawn Hollywood Hills "Hall of Liberty" and Forest Lawn Glendale
"Church of the Recessional." Very Rev. Fr. Torkom Donoyan, Vicar General,
delivered the day's message. The Prelate offered a prayer for the martyrs of
the four-day Artsakh war as the day coincided with the 2nd anniversary of
the war. Afterward, the Blessing of the Four Corners of the World (Antasdan)
service was conducted in the courtyard. The service concluded with Cilicia
and the Armenian national anthem. 



        On Saturday, March 31, 2018, Easter Eve was celebrated in Prelacy
Churches with Divine Liturgy and eve of the feast candle-lighting service.
H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian, Prelate, celebrated Divine Liturgy
and delivered the sermon at Holy Martyrs Church in Encino. Parish Pastor
Archpriest Fr. Razmig Khatchadourian and deacons assisted at the altar.
        The Prelate began his sermon with the following words from the
Easter introit, "Christ is risen from the dead. He conquered death by death
and with His Resurrection He granted life to us. Glory be to Him forever."
His Eminence reflected on the seven week period of Great Lent of
introspection, self-examination, and self-correction, as well as on the
profound messages of Holy Week, adding that our Lord Jesus Christ concluded
His earthly ministry with great suffering, crucifixion, and ultimately death
for the sins of mankind, and three days later with His victory over death,
He granted mankind the triumphant and hopeful promise of salvation and
eternal life.
        "Through His Resurrection, our Lord and Savior granted us the gift
of life; but it was not just any life, but a new, bright, and triumphant
life. Through His Resurrection, mankind was once again reconciled with God
and became worthy of His mercy," stated the Prelate, and stressed that the
Resurrection is the promise of eternal life but is also an invitation for
renewal and a new life during our time here on this earth. His Eminence
concluded by calling for renewal of faith, for the hope offered by Christ to
strengthen all, and for Christ to reside in our hearts and His love to guide
        At the conclusion of Divine Liturgy, eve of the feast lighting of
the candles service was held symbolizing the Light of Christ radiating
throughout the world. Afterward, faithful received Holy Communion.



        On Friday, March 30, 2018, the burial of our Lord Jesus Christ was
commemorated in Prelacy Churches. H.E. Archbishop Moushegh Mardirossian,
Prelate, presided over the service at Holy Cross Cathedral in Montebello and
delivered his message. Very Rev. Fr. Muron Aznikian, Parish Dean, Rev. Fr.
Ashod Kambourian, Parish Pastor, and deacons participated in the service.
        Speaking on the message of Christ's burial, the Prelate stated that
as faithful Christians, Christ's tomb represents immortality, victory, the
vanquishing of death, conquering of sin, and unfading light, for although
our life-giving Christ died and was laid in a tomb, through His Resurrection
He defeated evil and death, and granted us the promise of eternal life, of
salvation and the hope of resurrection.
        The Prelate concluded by encouraging all to live an honest and
upright life with good conscience and to bury all of our shortcomings,
iniquities, vices, and sins to prepare our hearts for the victorious
Resurrection of our Lord. 


Meline Chalian: