Categories: 2018

Constant work needed for forming favorable investment environment, says Armenia’s new President


New President of Armenia Armen Sarkissian says in order to attract foreign investments it is necessary to provide a transparent legal field and successful business examples for investors.

“In order to attract Western investments to Armenia everything must be done so that each potential investor knows what is waiting for him, in what conditions he is going to work, what is the country’s legislation and practice where he is going to invest. And in order to create a favorable investment environment, a constant hard work is needed”, the 4th President of Armenia said in an interview to TASS.

According to him, from the perspective of the country’s economic and investment attractiveness, the further strengthening of the rule of law and establishment of equality of everyone before the law is very important, which, he says, depends not only on the state, but also the citizens, society and business community.

As for the Armenian Diaspora, President Sarkissian said the Armenian traders still from the ancient times established business ties in remote coasts, from India to Iran, America to Australia. “But the majority of the Western Diaspora was formed when Armenians were subjected to genocide in the Ottoman Empire in late 19th century and early 20th century. Today our compatriots practically live in all continents, they are actively engaged in the economic, public and cultural lives of 100 countries of the world”, he said.

The Armenian President attached importance to assistance to Diaspora-Armenians not only by the state, but also widely attracting the Diaspora to Armenia. “I personally lived abroad for nearly 30 years and know with my own experience about the Diaspora’s concerns, aspirations and problems”, he noted.

Hovik Karapetian: