Categories: 2018

Demonstrators force their way into Armenia radio building (video)

PanArmenian, Armenia

PanARMENIAN.Net – The Civil Contract party which paralyzed traffic in downtown Yerevan to protest against former president Serzh Sargsyan’s premiership on Friday, April 13, forced their way into the building of the Public Radio of Armenia on Saturday.

Thousands of demonstrators crowded a square in the Armenian capital to protest against Armenia's recent change of government form on Friday.

After spending the night in the square, the group woke up in the morning and started walking towards the radio building.

Head of the Civil Contract party, lawmaker Nikol Pashinyan is now demanding the staff to let him go live on radio.

Some 20 minutes after entering the building, electricity was cut in the building.

The ruling Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) announced on Saturday that they have decided to nominate Sargsyan for the post of the prime minister of the country.

Toneyan Mark: