Categories: 2018

Forecast: Even if Serzh Sargsyan is appointed as prime minister after using force, he will fail to work in this position

ArmInfo, Armenia
Forecast: Even if Serzh Sargsyan is appointed as prime minister after using force, he will fail to work in this position

Yerevan April 16

David Stepanyan. Even if Serzh Sargsyan is appointed prime minister after using force against unarmed protesters, he will not be able to work in this position. The director of the Armenian Center for National and International Studies strategic research Manvel Sargsyan.

As a result of the use of force by the Police against demonstrators on Baghramyan Avenue, 18 activists and three policemen were delivered to the medical center "Grigor Lusavorich". As ArmInfo correspondent was informed in the medical center, the health condition of the wounded is satisfactory. "Protesters in the streets of Yerevan are protesting on the basis of peaceful civil disobedience technology, and the protesters do it in a peaceful and acceptable way, which they are allowed by all the Constitutions of the world. The action is gaining momentum, quite rightly taking into account the methods and results of the first such action in Armenia on protection from cutting down the Mashtots Park in 2012. And today we are witnessing a gradual recognition of the vision of political struggle in Armenia," he said.

According to analyst's estimates, in the case of the current movement, the political problem has been raised for the first time, and its agenda is of a purely national nature and significance. This movement "Take a step, refuse Serzh" is fundamentally different from all other civil actions in Armenia. The scale of youth participation in these actions is also noteworthy.

Sargsyan recalled that practically all the theorists and practitioners of revolutions in different countries in the XX-XXI century point to one very important circumstance: people must understand that they are dealing with a frank, unarmed army struggle. Unlike all other types of struggle, protest movements of this kind are associated exclusively with an unarmed army. Nevertheless, it is this unarmed army, as a rule, determines the goal, the opponent then suppresses it.

In this light, analysts consider the "absence of weapons" to be a principled, original guarantee of the success of such movements, since this fact disarms the government. World experience clearly demonstrates that the use of force in such situations works against its applicants, that is, power and leads to its collapse. According to his estimates, usually the use of force leads to a decrease in the level of support of the authorities by parties, public organizations, etc. All of them gradually pass to the side of the people.

"The classical formula of victory lies in either neutrality or the transfer of the police to the side of the people, and if the movement in Armenia manages to achieve this from the police, then it will inevitably record victory. Overall, the cautious behavior of the police testifies to the full understanding of Serzh Sargsyan's entire subtlety of the situation somehow survive his transition to the post of prime minister without violence, is perfectly aware that the use of force will increase tenfold the wave of resistance and reduce the regime's support tenfold," summed up the Director of the ACNIS.

Arpi Talalian: