Categories: 2018

PM Sargsyan responds to open letter of several LUYS Foundation graduates


Prime Minister of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan has responded to an open letter of a group of graduates of the Luys Foundation, the PM’s office said.

“Dear Luys graduates,

I got acquainted with the open letter addressed to me by a group of graduates and I find it necessary that you hear the brief response to these concerns directly from me.

Democracy will never regress in Armenia. Our achievements in building strong and developing democracy during the past years are irreversible and guaranteed by the reformed Constitution.

We’ve had numerous occasions to discuss our step for development and vision for the future with you. I am proud that I’ve had my contribution in your professional accomplishment. I hope, that you will serve your education, which you received in the best universities of the world, for the stable, secure and unified development of our country. It is joyous that many of you today, by already being in the state administration system, contribute to our statehood building work with your daily quality work.

Assuming office of Prime Minister was due to one simple fact – in this complex geopolitical region and period full of new challenges we must secure the country’s safe development and continue efforts aimed at the dignified resolution of the Artsakh issue.

In my view, the abovementioned issues are solvable, after which other politicians can assume the country’s [control]. In this greatest task, we will also rely on the potential of the Luys community”, the Prime Minister said.

John Hovhannisian: