Categories: 2018

President of Artsakh weighs in on Armenia protests, calls for dialogue


President of Artsakh Bako Sahakyan has weighed in on the ongoing unrest in Armenia.

The President released a statement, saying : “These days all Armenians are focused on the ongoing developments in Yerevan and a number of cities of Armenia. Artsakh cannot remain indifferent for ongoing developments in Mother Armenia and is also following this all.

For our homeland, which is in a complex geopolitical situation and threatened by an insidious enemy any second, any attempt of destabilization and undermining of unity is dangerous and fraught with the worst consequences, which can’t not impact of security, defense-ability and the situation at the borders.

Any citizen of Armenia is entitled with presenting his opinion or vision about the present or future of the country. This is an inseparable Constitutional right.

However, this right must be exercises exclusively within the law, never forgetting that the most important factor of guaranteeing security of the two Armenian states has been and is domestic stability.

Dear countrymen, I call on you all to unconditionally adhere to the law, to settle disputed issues through dialogue, display restraint and high level of responsibility.

We must not make mistakes the consequences of which can be fatal for our people and the free and independent statehood, which is the supreme value for any Armenian, in Armenia, Artsakh or the Diaspora”, the statement says.

Samvel Nahapetian: